Resinex attends Swiss Plastics Expo, 24. – 26. January 2017, Luzern, Switzerland
2016-12-20For more information please visit: http://www.swissplastics-expo.ch/ http://www.swissplastics-expo.ch/de/besucher/programm

Selenis Signs Exclusive Distribution Agreement with Resinex
2016-10-24Selenis Signs Exclusive Distribution Agreement with Resinex Resinex Will Become Exclusive Distributor in the European Market for Selenis Specialty Polyesters. Selenis and Resinex are pleased to announce they have signed an exclusive…

Medtech and Pharma Platform 2016
2016-08-233rd Medtech & Pharma Platform conference The International Medtech & Pharma Platform is the foremost conference in the emerging field of products and solutions that combine medtech- and pharma-related components. We invite interested…

RESINEX will be at Kunststoffen 2016, 28-29 September 2016, Veldhoven.
2016-08-05Be inspired by: New materials, sustainability and innovation Frontier technology Exhibition of 275 specialized companies and knowledge institutions Congress program with over 40 inspiring lectures about materials, molds, injection,…

RESINEX will be at K 2016, 19-26 October 2016, Düsseldorf.
2016-08-05K 2016 in Düsseldorf will again be by far the biggest event for the industry and the starting point for momentous decisions for products and processes. For more information, visit www.k-online.com. The RESINEX team is looking forward to…

RESINEX will be at MEDTEC Europe, 12-14 April 2016, Stuttgart
2016-03-29From 12-14 April, Stuttgart will once again be the epicentre of Europe’s medical technology industry, hosting the Medtec Europe trade fair for the 15th time. With 600 companies from 30 countries attending, over 6,500 international…

RESINEX Attends Plastics in Automotive Engineering - 9th and 10th March, 2016, Mannheim
2016-03-07The international congress 'Plastics in Automotive Engineering' is organized by The Association of German Engineers in cooperation with VDI Wissensforum GmbH.Strategic overviews, lectures from both the market and research, up-to-date…

RAVAGO expands TPE manufacturing to China
2016-02-19Experience, resources, and global supportRavago's primary TPE manufacturing and technology center is located in Istanbul, Turkey. Additional manufacturing and development locations include; Arlington, Texas; Steinfurt, Germany and Huzhou,…